All Danish Leopard 2A5DKs were delivered with the same track as other nations Leo 2s.
Over a long period of time, the entire fleet has now been equipped with this new Diehl 570PO track.
The sprocket is designed to replace the Tamiya item.
Parts - each side
Sprocket front and rear
single links with flat connectors x 10 (no pour block) + 4 spares
single links with angled connectors x 10 (with pour block) + 4 spares
10 links x 5
6 links x 1
4 links x 1
Carefully snap the links from the pour blocks.
Single flat links already have pour blocks removed for easy identification.
On the multi-link sections, clean up the pour connections with a sharp knife/file/sanding stick.
On the single-link sections, clean up the pour connections with a file.
Clean up any flash with a stiff toothbrush or similar.